
Bet on Poker is a version of the very popular Texas Hold’em Poker. The difference is players do not play against each other. They play against the Casino and receive “ODDS” depending on the “chance” and the probability of the hand you bet on winning. There is no “POT” to win.
The game is a multiplayer game and each box or playing position can have an unlimited number of players playing on it.
There are four Rounds of betting for the players and during these rounds, you can bet as many times as you want and on as many different hands as you wish.
- Before the initial deal betting round.
- Flop betting round.
- Turn betting round.
- River betting round.
The object of the game is to bet on the hand that will be the highest possible combination of five cards using the available hand (two initial cards) dealt to each betting position and five community cards (the Board). The hand (hands) with the highest value combination of five cards from among the other hands wins.
Your chances to win in Bet on Poker depend not only on your Luck but also on you understanding of cards on the table and probabilities to win for every Poker Combination. The Odds on every hand will be a great tip for you.
Our Dealers will deal the game of Bet on Poker and even chat to you while they deal. They will underline the hand with the best chance of winning in every Round of betting and comment on the remaining hands’ chance of winning in order to help you to choose the best hands in the game.

Rank of Poker Hands
Poker hands are ranked in the order specified below, lowest to highest. Note that only card rank (deuce through Ace) matter in poker when comparing individual cards.
The suits of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades are all considered equal.
- HIGH CARD: Cards are ranked deuce (2) as the lowest to Ace as the highest. If two or more players have the same high card, then the second highest card (and so on, to the fifth card if necessary) determines the winner.

- PAIR: A pair (two cards of the same rank) beats High Card. The highest pair is a pair of Aces. If two or more players have the same pair, then the highest of the three remaining cards (known as Kickers) determine the winner. In case of pocket pairs both boxes are winners.

- TWO PAIR: Two pair beats a pair. If two or more players have Two Pair, then the highest pair determines the winner. For example, a pair of Aces and Sevens beats a pair of Kings and Queens. If two or more players have the same two pair then the fifth card Kicker determines the winner.

- THREE OF A KIND: Three of a kind (three cards of the same rank) beats Two Pair. Three aces are the best of these. If two or more players share the same three of a kind hand, the two remaining Kickers determine the winner.

- STRAIGHT: A Straight beats Three of a Kind. A straight is five consecutive card ranks. Aces can be high or low so the lowest straight is ace through five while the highest is ten through Ace. There are no Kickers with straights since all five cards are needed to make the hand.

- FLUSH: A Flush beats a Straight. A flush is any five cards the entire same suit (i.e., all diamonds or all spades, etc.). If two of more players share a flush then the player with the highest card (all the way to the fifth card if necessary) in the flush wins.

- FULL HOUSE: A full house beats a flush. A full house is the combination of three of a kind and a pair. If two or more players have a full house then the player with the best three of a kind wins. If those are the same then the player with the best pair wins.

- FOUR OF A KIND: Four of a kind (four cards of the same rank) beats a Full House. If two or more players share the same Four of a kind, then the fifth card kicker determines the winner.

- STRAIGHT FLUSH: A Straight Flush (five consecutive cards the entire same suit) beats Four of a Kind. Aces can be high or low. An Ace-high straight flush is called a Royal Flush, the best possible hand in Poker.

- ROYAL FLUSH: A Straight from a Ten to an Ace with all five cards of the same suit. In Poker, all suits are ranked equally.

Order of Play
First betting round: At the start of the game, there are six boxes. The first box is next to the card shoe. THE PLAYERS CAN BET ON ANY OF THESE BOXES OR MORE THAN ONE with the odds displayed on the screen before the initial cards are dealt. Therefore, if the player bets on this initial deal their odds are multiplied the bet they make. The dealer Pokerde Bahisdeals two cards face-up to each of six different hands clockwise: 12 cards in total.
Second betting round: As soon as the 12 cards are dealt, new odds will appear on the screen for each of the six boxes depending on the new probability of each hand winning. The Dealer will open bets, and the players can then bet for the second time on any of the boxes or more than one. Obviously, the odds for the best two cards displayed on the table will be less than for the worst two. Ex. The odds for two aces will be less than for two cards of different value. Bets placed by the player in the first round will have no impact at all on the bets of the second round, so the player can place a bet on the same hand or others in the second round too. After the second betting round betting is completed, the dealer closes bets and turns up the first three community cards of the BOARD - THE FLOP CARDS.
Third betting round: The odds on every box change again and the third betting round begins, during which the players, like in all betting rounds before, can place their bets on their chosen betting options irrespective of their bets in the previous betting rounds.
The dealer will then deal the 4th community card which is called the “TURN CARD”.
Fourth betting round: After the Turn card is dealt once again the odds displayed on the screen will again change. This will be the last round of betting. The dealer by this time will have six boxes on the table with two cards each and four cards on the dealing apron in front of them.
When the time allocated for the fourth betting round finishes, the dealer turns up the fifth community card - The RIVER.
This is the last card dealt in the game and will determine winners of the current game.
Final Result: The system counts the results, the winning hand (hands) are marked as “Won” and the losing hands are marked as “Lost”. The Dealer will announce the winning box number, step up cards with the winning combination and remove the cards from the table leaving the winning box until last and then the Board. The winnings will be paid to the players who bet the winning boxes 1-6 or winning at any time during the game and the dealer announces new game and will begin to shuffle the cards as a new initial betting time begins.
Lost and Won Boxes Before the Game Result.
It may happen that after the Flop and/or the Turn, one or more boxes will have no possibility to win. If hands have no possibility to get the winning combination, they will be marked “Lost” on the screen instead of displaying the odds.
Tie Case
If the highest winning combination is on the Board cards and not on any of boxes, all your bets on boxes will be pushed and also all six boxes will be signed as “Push”. Only additional bets win in this game. The Dealer will announce this after opening the River card and step up the winning combination of the Board.
General Rules
How to Play
- Simply pick up a chip from the Chip Tray and place it on the position you would like to bet on. You can cancel your bet until you Confirm button was pressed.
- The first number in the box shows ODDS, the second number is your bet and the third number shows total players’ bets on the current box.
- Starting from the second round of betting players may also bet on the rank of the Winning Poker Combination or the number of Red Cards on the table in the Additional Bets Tab on the left side of the window. There are odds on all additional bets showed in the tab (just click the chip to be placed and the desired bet).
- On the right side of the window, you can see the “MAIN INFORMATION” window with you nick name that confirms that you are logged in, Table Name, Game Round Number, the Dealer name, the total of your Current Bets in the game, the amount of the Last Win and, finally, Table Limits.
- All bets at Bet on Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips on the appropriate areas on the Bet on Poker table. Wagers can be made during the betting time until the dealer announces "No more bets". Any bets received by our server after this time will be made void (win or lose) and the stake(s) will be returned to the player.
- Each player shall be responsible for the correct positioning of his wager or wagers on Bet on Poker table.
- Minimum and maximum wagers permitted are shown on the screen of the game.
- A bet may be rejected by the system before the betting time is over because of not meeting the minimum or maximum requirements.
- In case some cards during the game cannot be scanned correctly and the game must be cancelled, all players’ bets will be refunded automatically.
- In case the game was over with a wrong result, all players` wagers will be refunded for the current hand.
- In case more than three cards fell on the floor, the card deck must be replaced.
- In case two cards come out of the shoe, and one card in not needed for the game, the game will be cancelled.
- In case of any irregularities, please provide Round number of the game in question to the Live Chat.
Good luck and enjoy playing our Live Bet on Poker!!!